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Polarized Lenses – SolaireSport’s Protective Commitment

Browsing through our shop you may notice that while our frames are different in design, they share a common feature – Polarization.

The questions you may ask, having realized this, is “what is a polarized lens?” and “how are they different from ‘regular’ sunglasses?”

Polarized lenses differ from non-polarized lenses in a number of ways, all of which are beneficial to protection and comfort:

  1. Superior protection – Not only do polarized lenses block 100% of Ultraviolet (UV) light coming into the eyes, they also provide the highest level of blue blocking of any lens, including computer lenses.
  2. Tested and effective technology – Polarized lenses work off the same principle as venetian blinds – what this means for you is that they provide you with complete glare protection.
  3. Comfort – The combination of UV protection, blue light blocking and glare protection means that polarized lenses are extremely comfortable for extended outdoor wear.