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The Eyewear Everyone Needs – Computer Glasses & Polarized Sunglasses

If you’re like most people who need glasses, you may have a single pair for all purposes. When buying your glasses you may even have checked off options such as photosensitivity (lenses that darken in the sun) and may have been offered coatings such as Anti-Glare or Anti-Reflective. As advanced as these technologies are, many of us will still need additional eyewear.

Our brand ambassador, Samuel Ricketts, always ensures that he has his computer glasses on whenever he’s at his computer for extended periods of time. Whether or not you need vision correction, if you’re a heavy screen user, computer glasses are for you.

Computer Glasses: What are they and why do you need them?

Computer glasses primarily exist to protect you against blue light. Blue light is a part of the spectrum of visible light, and occurs naturally in sunlight. In sufficient doses, blue light helps to regulate our circadian rhythm – which tells us when to go to sleep and wake up.

Aside from naturally occurring in sunlight, blue light is also emitted by our digital screens – phones, laptops, tablets, etc. This oversaturation of blue light can have several detrimental effects such as eye strain, blurred vision, dry eyes and neck and shoulder pain.

Another effect of higher amounts of blue light (especially later in the day) is that it inhibits melatonin production. Melatonin is the hormone which lets us know when to go to sleep. Blue blocking (or computer) glasses can protect us from the worst effects of blue light, while regular daily sunlight exposure can help us to get a beneficial amount.

Samuel not only handpicks the Floats selections found in our store, but stays protected by wearing his polarized sunglasses.

Polarized Lenses – The Ultimate in Daytime Protection

If you spend time outdoors, whether or not your vision needs other correction, you need a pair of sunglasses. Well-designed sunglasses provide you at minimum with 100% protection from Ultraviolet (UV) light. Polarized sunglasses take this basic protection a step further. Not only do they provide you with 100% UV Protection, most brands also offer the best blue light protection you can find in any eyewear. An added bonus with polarized lenses is that they give you complete glare protection.

Who needs Polarized Sunglasses?

  • People who work outdoors
  • People who drive
  • People who spend a lot of time in the sun
  • Anyone who seeks superior sun protection

Visit our store to see our online selection of reasonably-priced polarized sunwear.